What do you know about the best time to retire?
Perhaps the attitude of the elderly, especially in
the Arab and African societies, is that they suffer from weakness and retire
from work after reaching the stage of old age.
But advances in science, improved
health care, and increases in life expectancy worldwide mean that many people
are now working for more years.
Some are forced to continue working after retirement because they need money, while others feel they still have the ability to continue working, even if their heads are bald.So should we continue working after the retirement year? Has this become an economic necessity for individuals and countries? What are the barriers to older people working? Are there any health benefits to being old?
According to the latest report of the United Nations, the proportion of elderly people over the age of 65 has increased, compared to the number of young people. People aged over 65 years living in the world are estimated to be 10 percent of the total world population, and it is expected to reach 16 percent by 2050, which means that the number of individuals aged 65 years will increase. or older will be twice the number of children under the age of five.
According to the World Health Organization, by 2030, one in six people in the world will be 60 years old or older. The International Labor Organization expects the number of elderly people in developing countries to rise by 350 percent by the end of the century, while it expects 70 percent to reach developed countries that already have large numbers of elderly people, according to the International Labor Organization. look at developing countries.
The more people retire, the lower the GDP growth.
One of the steps to overcome this is "to make people work longer, and to allow more older people to stay in or re-enter the labor market," says Dorothea Schmidt-Claue, Director of the Department of Labor "It is very important, not only because it reduces the proportion of elderly people who are unemployed, but it also means that older workers will actively participate in the reduction the level of poverty faced by the elderly, which causes a growing concern for societies suffering from aging."
On average, people aged 65 or older face worse living conditions when they retire, according to the United Nations. Although some pensioners decide to retire, there are those who are forced to continue working, especially the poor and those living in developing countries, because they do not receive any pension at all, or money. A pension is not enough to live on.
What are the barriers and biases that keep older people from
Politicians often talk about the importance of more young
people joining the workforce, but they rarely talk about how the elderly can
return to the labor market.
Specialists believe that the main
reason for this is that there is a perception that older people are not as
productive at work as young people, they take more sick leave, and become
incapable of dealing with new technologies" said Dorothea Schmidt but
various researches have proven this to be wrong.
Some people say that old people should retire to create job opportunities for young people. "For years, some people, mostly men, thought that bringing women into the labor market meant that men would lose their jobs, and now there are some people who think that if old people are going to work, it should be young people. They will lose their jobs, said Schmidt-Claue.
There are many factors that should be in place to help older people continue working or start a new career. One of these issues is to prepare the retirees in the right place to make the most of their experience. "Many of these people are not looking for a high salary, but good working conditions that meet their needs and add to their livelihood," she added.
Are there health benefits for older people to work?
As many countries implement policies aimed at increasing
people's working years to deal with population aging, such as raising the state
pension age, there is increasing interest and ongoing debate about the impact
on working in later years. physical and mental health.
Professor Karen Glazer, who
studies gerontology at King's College London, said that research generally
showed that working in old age has benefits, especially for physical health.
But Professor Glazer points to studies that have focused on the effects of pension reform in the UK, including the gradual raising of the retirement age. He added: "Increasing the number of working years or working at a higher standard of living can have a negative impact on some groups, especially those working in low-skilled or physically or mentally demanding occupations. "
Similarly to Schmidt-Klaue, she stresses the importance of governments pursuing policies designed to support older workers - for example by adapting working conditions and environments to help older workers stay stay at work or improve their health. rofessor Glazer believes that it is difficult to answer this question because it depends on many factors. "If a person is healthy, he can continue to work in his later years. Although there are ongoing discussions about the benefits of working at an older age, it is unlikely that countries such as England, for example. , they will reverse their decisions and lower the retirement age."
Longevity brings many opportunities, not only for individuals, but also for their communities that benefit from their contributions. Professor Glazer says, "There is a lot of evidence that participation in social, cultural, and spiritual activities has health benefits. It doesn't have to be paid work, it can be volunteer work to serve the community, or help with care. Some family members -